Thursday, February 13, 2014

Phase 2: Construction

 In class today, we began assembling our mousetrap. Below are pictures of different elements of our mousetrap car in progress.
A CD for a wheel (a rubber band is taped around the edge to increase traction).

The mousetrap "engine" hot-glued to the cardboard body.

We screwed four eye hooks into the cardboard to hold the axels/wheels and the body together.

The body with the back wheels and axel attached to the body
(This was the model we had at the end of class)

This video is showing the two back wheels moving as Kalina pushes it. During class today, we did not get to the point where the wheels could move using the mousetrap's potential energy because we haven't attached string to the snapper arm and axel yet.

Going forward, we will cut the two front wheels out of cardboard, and then attach the dowels and the wheels to the body. We also will need to harness the potential energy of the mousetrap by tying string around the snapper arm and the back axel, leaving extra string so that the snapper arm can be bent back and the string could be wound around the dowel, as mentioned earlier. 

1 comment:

  1. You are off to a really solid start! I like what you have done with the wheels and the car body

    as you move forward consider how you are going to calculate the potential energy of your "engine" and how you can maximize velocity with this potential energy.

    Nice work so far - keep on truckin'
